Saturday, April 16, 2016

Master the MEAN Stack - Learn By Example

Learn Full Stack JavaScript. Using Angular, NodeJS, Express and MongoDB we will Build a Web Application.  

Description :
In this course, you will learn to build a full stack web application using Node, AngularJS, Express.js and MongoDB. We will start with a sophisticated authorization template and work from there.
This is a hands-on project based course in which we will be buidling a single-page app named Best Dressed.
By utilizing popular npm modules and angular components we will build out our application to include lots interesting functionality. This includes: upload ability, web scraping, pinterest-style infinite scrolling, single look pages, an admin area, and more.
We will be using Javascript on both the frontend and backend. And by using MongoDB as our database, we are able to make use of familiar JSON syntax.
What You Will Learn
  • What it takes to build a full stack web application
  • How to create and use a RESTful API's
  • Web scraping using the Request and Cheerio modules
  • How to create a Pinterest style view with infinite scrolling
  • How to Upload and save images
  • Implement view transitions using ngAnimate
  • Use Boostrap styling for responsive design
  • Build and use 3 different MongoDB schemas using mongoose
Price : $25 FREE
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