Saturday, April 30, 2016

How to Set Powerful Intentions and Clear Goals

Discover How You Can Achieve Your Dreams and Purpose Easier and Faster Than You THought Possible

Description :
If you listened to the first course we taught you in how to create and maintain a positive vibration. I took so much time to train you on how to do this because you absolutely MUST be in your happy place before you even think about setting an intention or creating goals.
If you started a journey with no directions and only a vague idea of where you wanted to get to… You’d probably wander around aimlessly… Think about the time wasted, the frustration… Imagine how much LONGER it would take you to reach your destination if your weren’t even sure where you were going… Yet this is how many of us live our lives… And it’s just not worth it!
Just the same as let’s say you have an appointment on the other side of town, at a location you’d never been to before… And you get into your car without any directions on how to get there… What are the chances that you’d arrive at your destination on time, if at all? Pretty much zero, right?

Price : $35 FREE    
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