Thursday, April 7, 2016

Create, Publish and Sell "Photo" Coloring Books for Profit!

Turn your photographs into coloring books and sell them on Amazon!  

Description :
Create, Publish and Sell "Photo" Coloring Books for Profit!
This course teaches the student how to create coloring books starting with selected photographs. Photographs are turned into color-able images using Adobe Photoshop. Once created, they are incorporated into a coloring book document and then are published onto Amazon's CreateSpace "Print on Demand" website. CreateSpace integrates with Amazon-Kindle to allow the author to sell these coloring books online. You can also use CreateSpace to market your coloring books globally through book retailers they have built connections with.
Want to get your coloring books into major book chains like Barnes & Noble and Chapters Indigo?  This course shows you how to do that too...
So if you like taking pictures, you like creating and having fun with it and you are not adverse to making some extra income from your creativity, this could become quite a good sideline "passive income" stream for you. So come check this course out.

Price : $70 FREE
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