Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Facebook Marketing Secrets

A Comprehensive Marketing Strategy for Everything Facebook - all secrets revealed!    

Description :
Facebook Marketing Secrets
The most important and effective Facebook marketing techniques all in one place! The secrets to closing laid bare before your eyes!
Single Sentence Summary:
This course will give you the everything you need to create a successful marketing strategy on Facebook!
What does this course include?
  • DRIVING LIKES + Comments
  • CREATING Contests + Promotions
  • OPTIMIZING your Comments Contribution
  • DECIDING where to Invest your Energies
  • IDENTIFYING Critical Facebook Traffic Trends
  • MASTERING Search + Discovery

What will I get from this Course?
By the end of this course you will:
  • RECOGNIZE what needs to be done, to implement a full FACEBOOK marketing strategy
  • BE CONFIDENT on the key principles that enable consistent marketing success on Facebook
Teaching Promises:
  • Speaking your language – whether you are a seasoned sales professional or just curious about sales this course will be transparent to you
  • From the position of the student – I will pass from teacher to student, and teach the way a student wishes to learn
  • Open and honest with my own personal successes and failures, elaborating with stories where I can to illustrate what I have learnt from personal reflection
  • I will clarify every term, highlight key words, underline core ideas and reinforce fundamental points wherever possible
  • Keeping things simple
Can Anyone Interested in Business take this Course?
Yes! It is jargon-free and focuses in on the key learnings! You might be a seasoned marketing professional looking to brush up your skills, a small business owner, a budding entrepreneur seeking to start a new venture, this course is absolutely for you! No prior experience or credentials are needed, except a thirst to learn something new!

Price : $95 FREE
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